Monday, September 20, 2010

Ugandan media buried beyond resurrection?

A blogger named Tumwijukye tickled a topic I have been thinking about for years now in her post titled "Death of the Watchdog" (read the post here

The revelations made by the links in the blog make a moralist want to choke, the radical want to launch a revolutionary war (of words or of guns, whichever). Well, they added to some baggage that I have heard, seen, sensed and I thought my eyes were already wet with tears. Well, I did not cry, because it hit me that mere tears cannot help the situation! I would certainly lick them off my cheek and with them, I would lick the worries and the Ugandan media would continue losing its dignity and without dignity, credibility would be lost.

Then, a thought invaded my brain, maybe journalists need a Uganda Journalists' Society (like Uganda Law Society for lawyers)! This thought clarified itself by telling me that this society would have a disciplinary arm. Then I asked the thought, who would comprise of the body? Who would appoint members? By an election? Government appointments?

Then, my memory told me of the existence of the Uganda Media Council! First wait and I say something about that council.The council was established by the Press and Journalist Act of 1995 and charged with the regulation of the Mass Media. From their website (, I gather that the members are Dr. Gorretti Nassanga (Chairperson), Mr. James Walugembe, Mr. Katebalirwe Amooti, Mr. Wafula Oguttu, Mr. Paul Mukasa, Mr. Paulo Ekuchu, Ms. Beatrice Were, Mr. Kawooya Mwebe, Mr. Sunday Wilson Ojiambo and Ms. Lina Zedriga. The council has a disciplinary committee. This council has heard around nineteen cases. My facebook friends that have followed my status updates since August easily recognise the last member of this council. At a personal level, I wonder which justice she dispenses, knowing that she left her magisterial job under unclear circumstances, left the job she had at Gulu university fearing a probe and with the recent turn of events at APILU where she is under a probe, to hear that she is adjudicating a matter makes the whole matter a joke! I respect some members of the council like Wafula Oguttu and others but why keep the company of individuals like Ms. Lina Zedriga who could assault an employee (that employee is yours truly) as a member of a council meant to regulate the media? And I have not mentioned the list of claims of forgery claims on her name and other undignified acts and incidencies of misconduct. Which dignity can such an undignified member instill in the media? Thus with the Media council, I do not think there is much hope for any help in regard to instilling dignity in the fourth estate. And it is not because of Ms. Lina alone, thus do not jump to dispute the African saying that one girl that produces before marriage taints the whole village (loosely translated Rukiga saying). The general public generally seems not to apprecaite the role of the council, you just need to see the statitistics of cases filed at the council and that does not mean that there are no cases to report. You perhaps remember the infamous role of the council in the "Vagina Monologues" saga sometime back!

Someone remembers that there is a Uganda Journalists' Association. I know it more for its scandals than its good work, I can not risk to talk about its good side which I do not know. (Read further on the dignity of this body here;

We know what the Mutabazi led Broadcasting council can do. Don't we remember the record closure of more than three radio stations in two days? And Mr. Mutabazi owns some media (broadcasting to be exact) entities as well, meaning he is the judge-goat judging fellow goats! I do not see any dignity in that.

One asks, where should those interested in an independent and dignified Ugandan media turn?I know a predictable comment that there should be a media tribunal like that proposed by the Zuma led government in South Africa, I am not sure that is a one-fix-all solution! I can not point out an exact and precise solution now and here, so should I cry and lick my worries?